Welcome to the privact Movement! đź‘‹


and a very warm welcome to our movement.

It needs many hands to hack society, but together we will succeed to implement digital privacy. We are happy that you joined us.

We are a friendly bunch, but we are also curious - who are you? Perhaps you like to quickly say “Moin” below?

Our startpage The privact Movement is a good place to learn about the concepts. If you find anything uncovered, What should we write about next? is good place to ask for it.

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woohoo! Glad to be here!


Welcome, good to see you here. A lot preparing to be done, before we can go public…

Hi @JollyOrc , it’s great that you are here :+1: and welcome to the jungle :joy:

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So, time for me to officially say: “Moin!” Let the games beginn…

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Moin. Nice to see you all here. I can not promise how often I will be here, but I will support the project in the background anyway


Moin @tDittmar - great to see you here. Looking forward for further feedback from you! Talking to you has been a big factor for getting us where we are. Thanks for that!

Moin. This place looks great!

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A friendly Moin :wave: and welcome @tDittmar @Malik

Moin @bjoern, Moin @all.
It’s great that we started here now.
Some already know me from previous video calls, emails and conversations.
After more than 30 years in the TK/IT branch it is normal that it leaves traces :joy:.
That’s why I prefer, generally and personally, to separate different roles.

And therefore also from me “also Frank ;-)” a friendly Moin in the round.

First of all, thank you @bjoern for providing the existing content, I know it was a lot of work ;-).

We have already talked about some things and some things have become clearer to me from call to call, but as a technician I am, like many others, a person who thinks in pictures.

So what I would think would be really great if we all started visualizing the project together, in the next call or here, as one of the next points.

That would be my suggestion for the agenda for one of the next calls or for a separate topic.

Until then, have a good time everyone
(also) Frank :grin:

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I always knew there has to be a second Frank, seeing the amount of work and time you put in the project. :wink: Moin to both of you!

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Moin! If you have any questions about the cooperative, I will be happy to help!


Moin and Hello there!


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Moin @mst and @Olsbob - good to see you here!

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Hi everyone!

Sorry I had been so quite for a while, I was on vacation and whatnot. However, that will change now :slight_smile:



Moin Helge! Thanks a lot for your feedback on the texts already! Good to have you here :slight_smile:

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Dear all, I am Farzaneh and am really glad to be part of this community :wave:
I will do my best to support this great initiative!


A very warm Moin to you, @Farzaneh ! Good to have you here. :wave:

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Moin! I’ll probably be more reactive than proactive since most of my time goes into the company I started after polypoly, but I’ll help how I can.

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Moin Felix and welcome to our fireplace :fire: